Technology and inclusion in industrial design and postCOVID-19: new lessons and challenges for the Chilean industry




inclusive design, industrial design, disability, social inclusion/exclusion


This essay offers a theoretical reflection that aims to analyze the incorporation of industrial design for people with disabilities during the post-crisis generated by the coronavirus pandemic in Chile. The absence of the participation of designers and designers in the inclusive character has been controversial. Some products that incorporate advertising, design and visual communication, of course, technology through the use of professional-level skills, such as different communication skills and strategies based on the Chilean industry. We understand as the rethinking of the inclusive design in the industry, and the industrial design to justify the necessary change in some concepts of the current design. Likewise, this rethinking is classified into two groups: i) concept of inclusive and accessible industrialization; and ii) concept of inclusive specialization and industrial adaptation. There are many different methods of design "industrialization" to choose the needs of the product, and create new approaches to the design process. Therefore, in Chile, there has not been much progress in the development of industrial design towards the inclusion of the product adapted for the future disability project. Finally, it is concluded on the importance of creating and strengthening research on substantial participation for clients/users with disabilities, depending on adapted and accessible commercial products, supporting the work of inclusive design or industrial marketing in Chile.


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Author Biography

  • Diego Bernaschina, Universidad Tecnológica de Chile INACAP

    Máster en Producción e Investigación Artística, Universitat de Barcelona (España). Licenciado en Artes, Diseño y Educación. Profesor en Arte y Diseño, Universidad Tecnológica de Chile INACAP. Santiago, Chile.


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How to Cite

Technology and inclusion in industrial design and postCOVID-19: new lessons and challenges for the Chilean industry. (2023). People and Technology Management Journal, 16(47), 20.